ZenManual #1 | Get Started with ClientZen

David Pop


min read

ClientZen was crafted with the needs of Project Managers, Customer Success Specialists, Customer Support Specialists, and Voice of Customer Specialists in mind. Considering our clients' feedback, we've fine-tuned our product to fit seamlessly into their workflow. We aim to minimize manual tasks and offer a unified platform that specialists and teams can use daily. Ultimately, we aim to empower them to understand their client base better and elevate the overall customer experience.

Short Product Description

ClientZen is a customer feedback software that leverages AI to identify customer pain points up to 6 times faster by organizing customer data into topics and subtopics, making it easier for our users to analyze and summarize large volumes of data. Our release tracking feature offers a clear view of shifts in customer sentiment, allowing you to monitor any changes – whether positive, neutral, or negative – following a new feature release, bug fix, or any other event that might impact your customers' perception of your products, services, and overall business.

Who Uses ClientZen?

If you're in any of these roles, ClientZen is for you:

  • Customer Success
  • Customer Support
  • Voice of Customer
  • Project Management
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • RevOps
  • Operations

Setting Up and Using ClientZen

It's easy to get started with ClientZen. You don't need to be tech-savvy. Just set up an account and connect it to where you get customer feedback from.


You can link ClientZen with:

  • Intercom, Zendesk Support, Typeform, and even upload CSV files directly.
  • Using Zapier, you can also connect with Trustpilot, Drift, Freshdesk, G2, Qualaroo, Reviews.io, Capterra, Survicate, Slack, Front, GetFeedback. 

Why ClientZen?

ClientZen is a unified platform dedicated to improving the workflow and productivity of your team members, whose primary focus and goal is to enhance their clients' experiences.

AI Training Not Required

Our AI model comes pre-trained, meaning you do no need to invest additional time, energy, or resources in training it to understand your customer profiles, patterns, and values. Simply set up and connect our platform with your chosen channels, and everything is automated from there.

Precise Sentiment Analysis

ClientZen's sentiment analysis tool offers a more nuanced insight into your customers' feelings. Unlike many other tools that focus only on specific keywords or text, our system reviews and interprets entire customer phrases, providing a more thorough analysis.

Enhanced Financial Tracking

ClientZen enables you to automatically monitor the monthly recurring revenue from your clients by organizing them according to their unique subscription plans. This feature allows prioritizing clients based on their subscription levels, offering added financial insight.

Customer Segmentation

Categorize your customers into predefined segments to better understand your client base. Whether you're analyzing based on customer type (free or paid), language, subscription type, etc., you can easily identify and focus on your most vocal segments.

Release Tracking 

Our software lets you observe and trace shifts in sentiment related to specific events over time. For instance, just input the release date if you're launching a new feature. Our dashboard will display any changes in trends related to that event, aiding in recognizing customer adaptation or emerging patterns.

What you can do on a daily basis with ClientZen

We'll cover this section for each use case in our following articles. For now, here are a few general ideas on what you can do with our customer feedback software: 

Boosting your reporting

You can enhance the accuracy of your customer behavior reports by uncovering the underlying sentiments your clients hold towards your company, products, and services. This approach adds a layer of concise and easily digestible qualitative data to your monthly reports, aiding both you and your stakeholders in gaining a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of your customers.

Summarize the vast amount of data

Processing and illustrating data has never been this straightforward. With ClientZen, You can summarize thousands of conversations into just a few bullet points, saving plenty of time without compromising the accuracy of your data analysis. Our system meticulously analyzes each conversation, bundling them into key pain points your clients encounter.

Forecast revenue targets 

Analyzing shifts in customer sentiment in relation to their Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) and subscription type allows you to anticipate potential revenue drops before they occur. This enables your teams to be alerted promptly and take immediate corrective action.

Customer feedback made easy

Customer feedback tagged automatically

Real-time customer sentiment scores

Pain-points evolution over time

Book a Demo

David Pop

Marketing Manager at ClientZen